I've bin tagged by
"According to the rules... Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You". People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"
SIX WEIRD THINGS ABOUT ME1 - I absolutely can't stand touching cotton-balls - ugh! Even thinking about it gives me the shivers. Same goes with a bag of milk powder. EEEWWWWWYYYYY! They give me the heeby jeebies and I just can't do it, the squeekyness of it makes me teeth grit, mouth water and gives me a full body shiver and major ickyness. I suppose it's like nails down a blackboard to some people. Yucko.
2 - I have deformed thumbs. I hate them and have spent my whole life hiding them, they're horrible and revolting but I've seen two other people who have the same deformed thumbs, this has given me some solace but I still hate them. They look a bit better now I don't bite my nails up to my elbows I must admit. Though they're still deformed all the same.
3 - I truly believe I'm a little psychic. LOL Truly. Perhaps it's psychotic! LOL
4 - As a child I used to love the pain of being pinched - hard. Weird huh?! I used to make my older sister pinch the backs of my hands all the time - hard. I now have little scars all over them. Werid. Very, very weird. Our mother used to constantly be growling at us to stop. That sounds fucking weird now that I've typed it out - perhaps I really am psychotic! I must note here that I DO NOT like this anymore and don't have any other forms of pain, torture or self-mutilation that I enjoy or partake in.
5 - I have lived most of my life with hair envy. I don't like my hair - it's thin, flyaway and I don't have much of it so I've always looked at these gorgeous, thick, flowing locks that others have and been incredibly envious. Now, I've pretty much realised that this is my hair and there's nothing I can do about it - I've accepted it (well pretty much!). My 8 month old baby has less hair than when he was born, so now I'm looking at all the other babies with hair and being envious of theirs! LOL I'm a freak.
6 - I LOVE to do accents. Love it - english, irish, scottish, indian and south african are my favourites but I'll try anything (and fail miserably) but I really love it. Chris is also an accent doer, so we will often go in and out of accents while cooking dinner, washing the dog, changing a nappy etc. Add some other mad friends and alcohol to the mix and it's a great old international time!
Right, I now tag Tanya, CJ, Kylie, Sandra, Sara with no H and Sean!